Having to replace a bad roofing job can be one of the most expensive tasks. Once you get a roof job done; you want it to be a lifelong job. No matter how much research you have done, sometimes a joiner just does not do as good of a job as you would have hoped. If this ever happens to you, here is how to handle it.
Always look over your contract. You will want to look and see if any warranties are applicable. It is good to be aware of your warranties and what it is that you have covered before discussing the problem.
Phone records will probably not be enough, the reason for this most joiners will not likely admit to any fault over the phone. You need to take photos and videos of the badly done job. Once this has been completed. It is a good idea to search for joining companies with a good reputation to come and assess the damage themselves. This should support your claim further.
You need to call your joiner as soon as you notice any problems. The majority of joiners will come out either same day or within the next two days to check out the issue. When they show up, you want to make sure to talk about any applicable warranties or the terms and conditions of your contract that apply to the issue.
This is a great service for customers who feel that they have been treated unfairly by a business. What happens here is that an advisor will be able to help you to find out what it is that you can do next. They will know how to contact your joiner in a way in which may resolve this situation.
If the joiner is not willing to come and fix the mistakes they made. You will then need to try and get in contact with a solicitor. Let them know about your situation. Hopefully after this, once the company receives a letter from your solicitor, they should reach out to you and do the right thing. If this does not happen however, your solicitor might have to file a suit against the joiner for breaching their contract.
We hope this how to guide on what to do if a roofing job goes wrong has helped you. If you need a roofing job done right, do not be afraid to contact us here at TDL joinery today.